Mario Trueba Cantero on The MVP Show

Mario Trueba Cantero on The MVP Show

Mario Trueba Cantero
Microsoft Business Applications MVP


  • Background: A brief introduction about Mario Trueba Cantero’s background – family and life. 
  • Education and Career: Discover Mario’s educational journey and professional milestones.
  • Journey into Technology: Hear Mario’s story of how he began his career in technology.
  • MVP Program: Understand how Mario learned about the Microsoft MVP Program.
  • Dynamics CRM: Explore Mario’s initial experiences with Dynamics CRM.
  • MVP Nomination: Find out more about Mario’s nomination process and how he became a Microsoft MVP.

Music Credits
The Happiness of Larry by radiotimes (c) copyright 2012 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.

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Mario Trueba Cantero Profile Photo

Mario Trueba Cantero

Mario Trueba Cantero began his programming career at the age of 8 when he realized that it was easier to code in C++ than studying to become a Doctor, changing plans at such an early stage allowed him to try multiple technologies in order to finally settle as a .NET Developer. In 2011 he decided to move to the UK in order to enjoy the food and weather, it was there where he got introduced to MS Dynamics CRM and the rest is history.

Passionate about enabling organizations to answer their business needs through Microsoft Technologies, Mario brings over a decade of Dynamics 365 and now Power Platform experience. Having worked with several high-profile customers across a myriad of industries Mario’s ability to understand and articulate the value of Dynamics 365 and the Power Platform to customers is second to none. Mario has been recognized by Microsoft with the Most Valuable Professional award in 2020.

When he is not trying to find a new technology to connect to the Power Platform, he will probably be spending some time at the nearest Crossfit Box or with the family.

Currently, Mario is working as the EMEA Technical Lead for Business Applications at KPMG and living in Spain with his family.