Paul Culmsee on The MVP Show

Paul Culmsee on The MVP Show

Paul Culmsee
Microsoft Business Applications MVP


  • A brief introduction about Paul Culmsee’s life and background 
  • Insights into the various stages and milestones in Paul Culmsee's career.
  • An exploration of the company Paul Culmsee is currently working for.
  • Discussion on Paul Culmsee's experiences and expertise as a management consultant.
  • How Paul discovered SharePoint and its impact on his professional journey.
  • An in-depth look at Paul's journey as a writer and author of several books.
  • Insights into the advantages and benefits Paul has experienced from writing books.
  • Feedback and testimonials Paul has received from readers of his books.
  • Discusses Paul Culmsee’s journey to becoming a Microsoft MVP 
  • Paul's practical tips and effective ways of working within the Microsoft community.
  • Paul's recommendations for those considering becoming a part of the Microsoft MVP community.

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Paul Culmsee

Paul Culmsee is an IT veteran of 30 years, Management Consultant, Microsoft Business Solutions MVP, Sensemaker, award-winning author and the director of Seven Sigma Business Solutions. Based in Perth, Western Australia. Specialized in sensemaking, design thinking, strategic planning, complex decision making and digital transformation.

He has very strong skills in the Microsoft Power Platform and Office365 more broadly. Paul runs Power Apps/Power Automate hackathons in Australia and New Zealand and Microsoft's “app in a day” & “admin in a day” events. He also has developed many Power Platform Apps in the safety, asset management, resources and civil infrastructure space.