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Sara Lagerquist on the MVP Show
Sara Lagerquist on the MVP Show
Sara Lagerquist Microsoft Business Applications MVP
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Sara Lagerquist on the MVP Show

Sara Lagerquist on the MVP Show

Sara Lagerquist
Microsoft Business Applications MVP


  • A brief introduction about Sara’s life – lives in Stockholm, Sweden, talked about what’s awesome about her country –having to experience 4 seasons – winter, spring, summer and fall 
  • Talked about the events that changed her life 
  • Her thoughts about becoming an MVP – benefits – realization – frustrations 
  • Who nominated Sara to become an MVP 
  • Discusses Sara's seven speaking engagements since November – what changes happened to her career and the most memorable speaking engagement she had 
  • Shared her views on Personal Brand – What is No-Code customization   
  • Her journey on NO CODE ADVOCATE  
  • Talks about her personality 
  • Sara’s advice to people who are not technical but wants to become an MVP 
  • Where Sara sees herself 2 years from now and where she thinks her career would be going based on reflecting from the last 12 months 
  • Her recommendation to people wanting or considering becoming an MVP – 
  • What she thinks about the Orlando event – The biggest User Group Summit
  • Will Sara change anything about her career? 
  • If Sara could write a book what would it be about? 
  • The best compliment she has ever received? 

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Sara Lagerquist

Sara Lagerquist is a Microsoft Business Application MVP, who started her career in the Microsoft Dynamics ecosystem in 2012 and was responsible for the CRM implementation at an IT education company in Sweden. After three years on the customer side, Sara moved on to become a consultant to help customers realize their needs and implement both CRM and LOB systems. In March 2019, she joined CRM-Konsulterna where she works as a Power Platform Consultant.

Sara has always had a dedication to empower both users and admins at her clients to do more with the platform by focusing on usability and keeping complexity and technical debt at a minimum. During the last year, her skills in this area have given her the chance to spread the mission of finding smart no-code solutions for the platform by speaking at various conferences and sharing her findings in her blog.