- Meet Ashvini Sharma, born in India, moved to Dubai, Middle East, at the age of 12.
- Ashvini's educational background
- Talks about Ashvini's interests and hobbies
- Microsoft journey of Ashvini Sharma – from BI Business group to Microsoft Business Applications team
- Lessons Ashvini has learnt from his 20years of experience from BI – was he able to apply it to Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
- Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in Power Automate
- A brief introduction to Robotic Process Automation
- The type of technologies Robotic Process Automation is using
- A discussion about the history and goal of RPA and who's involved
- The systems or technologies that RPA does not support
- Tools and key building blocks of Microsoft RPA implementation
- The best practices or patents of RPA Implementation
- Office 365 and CDS scenarios with Power Automate – Robotic Process Automation area
- Level of coding knowledge RPA requires
- The reason why Microsoft decided to go on this journey with RPA
- How do RPA and AI work together?
- Resources, tools and materials available for RPA
- Ashvini's favourite quote – My heart is in the work by Andrew Carnegie
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