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Megan Walker on The MVP Show
Megan Walker on The MVP Show
Megan Walker Microsoft Business Applications MVP
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Megan Walker on The MVP Show

Megan Walker on The MVP Show

Megan Walker
Microsoft Business Applications MVP


  • Megan Walker shares insights about her personal journey – living in the USA and what made her decide to come back to Chesterfield, England. 
  • Megan Walker discusses her career background
  • Megan Walker shares her journey to becoming an MVP and her motivations behind her pursuit of this recognition.
  • Megan Walker  shares her thoughts on the reasons for becoming an MVP 
  • Discusses her discovery in writing a blogpost using emoji in CRM or Dynamics 365 and how it changed the way she visualizes the data and Dynamics 
  • Discusses effective strategies to create balanced work, community activities and personal life  
  • A discussion about Megan Walker’s journey into Dynamics 
  • Learn more about the things that helped Megan most with learning Flow 
  • Introduction to better understand Microsoft Forms Pro 
  • Megan Walker talks about Capture and Attachment upload features of Microsoft Forms Pro 
  • Megan Walker reflects on the three biggest turning points in her life and shares various resources that were instrumental in her journey.
  • Megan Walker shares her personal journey, career background, innovative blogging techniques in Dynamics 365, strategies for work-life balance, and key turning points in her life

Resources Mentioned  

  • Forms Pro -

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Megan Walker

Megan Walker is a Microsoft Business Applications MVP and a Power Platform consultant with experience in web design, social media and marketing. She's a passionate blogger, writing about tips, tricks and ideas for non-developer geeks.