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George Doubinski on the MVP Show
George Doubinski on the MVP Show
George Doubinski Microsoft Business Applications MVP
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George Doubinski on the MVP Show

George Doubinski on the MVP Show

George Doubinski
Microsoft Business Applications MVP


  • The Various Places George Doubinski Called Home
  • George Doubinski talks about Experiencing the Seasons in Seattle
  • A discussion with George Doubinski about how to speak Russian
  • George Doubinski talks about achieving Longevity in the MVP Sphere
  • George Doubinski talks about Making Meaningful Contributions as an MVP and Building Your Professional Profile
  • A conversation with George Doubinski about starting and maintaining a successful blog and podcast - He shares his strategies for creating engaging content and maintaining consistency.
  • Overcoming language barriers is another area where George offers valuable insights - He talks about the challenges and rewards of navigating different linguistic landscapes.
  • George Doubinski talks about the Wild Years in University and the History of Russian Vodka Through the Centuries
  • As an MVP, George has unlocked numerous opportunities that have propelled his career forward.
  • Overall, George Doubinski’s story is one of resilience, learning, and community engagement. His journey offers valuable lessons on building a successful professional life, making meaningful contributions, and embracing opportunities for growth. Through his experiences and insights, listeners can gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to thrive in the MVP sphere and beyond.

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George Doubinski

This is George (⌐■_■).
He/him does not know much.
But he listens to smart people.
Then tells the others.
Others do great things.
George is The Enabler.
Be like George.