Dynamics 365 Customer Insights vs Azure Synapse
John Wiese
Resources Mentioned
Customer Insights partner resources (including on-demand training videos/labs): https://aka.ms/CIPartner
Customer Insights videos: https://aka.ms/CITV
Customer Insights in Under 5: https://aka.ms/CIUnder5
Customer Insights docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/ai/customer-service-insights/overview
Customer Insights Roadmap: https://dynamics.microsoft.com/en-cy/roadmap/overview/?group=dynamics-365&subgroup=dynamics-365-customer-insights
Azure Synapse overview: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/synapse-analytics/overview-what-is
Flutter: https://flutter.dev
Surface Duo: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/surface/devices/surface-duo
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John Wiese has been working with Microsoft partners for 15 years, helping them build solutions on every Microsoft platform: Office, Windows, XBox, Phone, Dynamics and even HoloLens. Prior to working with partners directly John was part of the support organization where he spent his days starring at assembly, matching it up with C++, .Net and many other languages, then telling people why their servers were crashing and how to fix them. For the past 18 months, John has been working on the Dynamics 365 Customer Insights product, teaching partners about it and helping them to implement it with customers.