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Daryl LaBar on the MVP Show
Daryl LaBar on the MVP Show
Daryl LaBar Microsoft Business Applications MVP
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Daryl LaBar on the MVP Show

Daryl LaBar on the MVP Show

Daryl LaBar
Microsoft Business Applications MVP


  • A brief introduction about Daryl’s life – family background, what’s great about Indianapolis and as an independent MVP 
  • Daryl’s skills and experience in business applications 
  • The tools or plugins Daryl created 
  • On how Daryl monitors which tools are most popular in the community 
  • Understanding the Architect and Data model 
  • What lead Daryl to decide to go independent MVP 
  • The best thing about being an MVP 
  • One thing people don’t know about Daryl LaBar 
  • Daryl’s advice to developers who wants to become an MVP 
  • Discussed his concerns on how hard it is for developers to keep their MVP title 

Other Resources and Tools
Attribute Manager
EarlyBound Entity Builder
Visual Studio Solution Accelerator

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Daryl LaBar Profile Photo

Daryl LaBar

Daryl LaBar is a 4 time, CRM MVP with over 7 years of consulting experience as a CRM developer. He is very active in the open-source community with multiple projects that he has created/maintains. He contributes to the XrmToolBox ( on a regular basis, is the creator of the XrmToolBox plugins “Early Bound Generator”, “Attribute Manager”, and “Visual Studio Solution Accelerator”.

Daryl is also the creator of XrmUnitTest, an open-source C# Xrm Unit Testing / Framework Library, and a top Stack Overflow contributor for CRM. In addition, Daryl volunteers his time to maintain and advance the XrmVirtual User Group, as a presenter, host, and Twitter curator. He also is the co-host of the XrmToolCast Podcast with fellow MVP Jonas Rapp on the Crm.Audio network.

In Feb. 2019, Daryl started his own consulting business, Gap Integrity LLC, where he continues to focus on architecting the code frameworks required to solve his client’s business needs, as well as provide developer training throughout the world. In this role, he will personally be teaching a CRM UG Summit NA Pre-academy class on Unit Testing for C# Dynamics 365 CE/CRM/CDS Developers (